SHCDX33F Derived from SHSUCDX V3.03 Freeware, Copyright 2005 Jason Hood. Derived from SHSUCDX V1.4b by John McCoy. Description =============== SHCDX33F is an unloadable "CD-ROM redirector" substitute for MSCDEX. It supports up to 10 drives. Each drive is single-sector buffered and the last 10 directory entries are cached. Each unit of each driver can be assigned a specific drive letter. Usage ========= Run SHCDX33F with the name of one or more CD-ROM device drivers. If the drivers are valid, SHCDX33F will install a drive letter for each unit on each driver. Options ------- /D driver and drive manipulation /L drive letter /C memory usage /V memory statistics or option information /~ tilde usage /R read-only attribute usage /I install /U unload /Q quiet /D - Driver This option is used to specify the name of the device driver. It can also indicate which unit(s) should be assigned and to what letter. The complete syntax is: /D[:][?|*]driver[,[letter][,[unit][,[max]]]] DRIVER is the name of the device driver installed to control the CD-ROM drive. Prefixing the driver with '?' will silently ignore it if it does not exist (or is not actually a CD-ROM). Prefixing with '*' will also ignore it, but a drive will be reserved (see below). LETTER is the first drive letter to assign to the units on this driver. The default is the first available letter. Note: the drive letters assigned to subsequent units will always be higher than those assigned to previous units. UNIT is the first unit on this driver to be assigned a drive. Unit 0 is the default. MAX is the maximum number of units on this driver to be assigned drives. The default is all units (or all remaining units, if UNIT is given). Once installed, /D by itself will display the assigned drives and return the number of drives assigned. [NOTE: This is NOT part of SHCDX33F]. /D - Drive manipulation At install time, /D can also be used to reserve space for additional drives. Use a single digit to indicate how many drives should be reserved (eg: /D1). (If you should happen to have a device driver name with a single digit, use the '?' prefix.) After installation, the same option will remove the drive(s) that were last assigned. It is possible to specify both forms of /D, in which case the current drive(s) will be removed, then the new drive(s) added. /L - Letter This option is an alternative to the LETTER component of /D, which it must follow (ie: /D:driver /L:letter). It can also be used to return the number of drives installed (/L:0, will return 255 if not installed) and the letter of each assigned drive (/L:1, /L:2, etc., with A: = 1 and 255 if the drive is not assigned). /C - Memory usage By default, SHCDX33F will load itself into high memory,if available, or into low memory if it is already high. This option will prevent that. /V - Memory statistics When this option is used at installation, a summary of memory usage will be displayed. This summary includes: Static code and variables Dynamic data for each drive and paragraph rounding Total overall memory usage /V - Information When used with /?, or after installation, this option displays the compile- and run-time options of SHCDX33F. This information includes: 8086/386 the minimum processor required CD root form TRUENAME will return \\D.\A.\ instead of D:\ High Sierra the original format for the CD file system Joliet the Windows format for long names image on CD enables access to an image which is itself on a CD /~ - Tilde usage The ISO standard allows for CDs to have names up to 31 characters and Joliet can have names up to 64 characters. When this is reduced to 8.3 for DOS it may lead to duplicated entries. This option will remove the duplication by appending a tilded number after the name (similar to what Windows does). By default, tildes are off. This option is also avail- able after installation. By itself it will toggle the status (ie. if tildes are currently on, /~ will turn them off and vice versa). Tildes can be explicitly turned on or off by adding a '+' or '-' sign (ie: /~+ will turn tildes on, irrespective of the current state). /R - Read-only attribute usage By default, files on the CD are given the read-only attribute. Should you wish to remove this attribute, this option will do so. As with /~, it can be used after installation and it accepts '+' and '-'. /I - Install Normally SHCDX33F will refuse to install if it detects another redirector (such as MSCDEX). This option will cause SHCDX33F to install anyway. /U - Unload Unhook the interrupt, free the memory and mark the drive(s) as invalid. /Q - Quiet Prevent display of the sign-on banner (the copyright notice). /Q+ will only display the drive assignments (when used after install '-' will in- dicate a removed drive and '+' an added drive). OTHER PROGRAMS ================== SHCDX33F has not been tested with SMARTDRV, DOSLFN, etc. and is intended for use as a basic "CD-ROM redirector" program only. Critical Errors =================== A critical error is only generated on the initial access to the CD. If a read error occurs, the calling function will fail with error 15 (drive not ready). If an image is located on a CD, and that CD is removed, do NOT abort, but fail and then abort (the first error is for the CD, the second is for the image). Additional CD-ROM Functions =============================== SHCDX33F has an additional installation check: Int 2F AX = 1100 BX = BABE Return: BX = BABE if SHCDX33F v3 not installed, otherwise: BL = compile-time flags BH = release number ES:DI -> drive table CX = number of drives DX = size of each entry Compile-time flags: Bit 0 = 0 if 386, 1 if 8086 1 = 1 if CD root form (\\D.\A.\) 2 = 1 if High Sierra is supported 3 = 1 if Joliet is supported 4 = 1 if image on CD is supported There are also functions to control the tilde and read-only state: Int 2F AX = 150F CL = -1 CH = 0: Get current tilde state in AX (0 off, -1 on) 1: Set current tilde state from BX (0 off, anything else on) 2: Get read-only attribute in AX (0 = off, 1 = on) 3: Set read-only attribute from BX (0 off, anything else on) Carry will be cleared (MSCDEX will set carry). Finally, there is a function to convert a CD directory name to an FCB: Int 2F AX = 150F CL = -2 ES:SI -> pointer to directory entry ES:DI -> 11-byte buffer for FCB name DX = alias number (0 for none) The alias number is the number of the directory entry within the sector, plus 64 times the sector number (both zero based). For example, the third entry in the third sector of a directory would have an alias num- ber of 130 (2 + 2 * 64). Exit Codes ============== 0 Uninstalled, help, option set 1-32 Drive number of first installed drive (A=1) 246 Invalid or unknown option 247 Unable to uninstall 248 Not enough memory 249 No drives assigned (ie. not installed) 250 No drive letters available 251 Unit on driver does not exist 252 Invalid or non-existant driver 253 Already installed 254 Unsupported version of DOS 255 386 required Examples ============ SHCDX33F /D:SHSU-CDH SHCDX33F finds the first available drive letter and assigns it to device unit 0 of the driver SHSU-CDH. If there is a second and/or third CD drive they are assigned to the next available letters in sequence. Drive letters in use are skipped. The first CD supported by a driver is device unit 0 regardless of its SCSI address. SHCDX33F /D:IDE-CD,F /D:?USB-CD,U /D:*SHSU-CDH,W /L:0 Assign drive F to the IDE-CD driver, or abort if it is not loaded. If the USB-CD driver is loaded, assign it to drive U; else do nothing. If the SHSU-CDH driver is loaded, assign it to drive W; else reserve space for it, so it can be loaded later. SHCDX33F will return the number of drives assigned (or 252 if aborted). SHCDX33F /L:0 If SHCDX33F is not installed, it returns 255. Otherwise, the number of assigned drives (which can be 0). In either case, nothing is displayed. SHCDX33F /D:CD001,,1,1 /D:CD001,,4,1 SHCDX33F assigns the first available drive letter to device unit 1 of driver CD001 and the next letter to unit 4. This permits access to non-contiguous drive units, without having to support unneeded units. History =========== Legend: + added, - bug-fixed, * changed. V3.03F - 1-Aug-12 * SHCDX33F directory or non-directory input flagged, for directory- only caching using UDVD2 or UIDE (saves cache space for disks). V3.03E - 9 Jul, 2009 - SHCDX33E /I switch added, per user request. V3.03D - 30 May, 2009 - SHCDX33D drive not-ready stack ERROR fixed. V3.03C - 9 November, 2006 + SHCDX33C stack increased to 534 bytes. The author is DISGUSTED at having to add this change, but BAD drivers and BIOS programs that use too much stack still DO exist! V3.03B - 20 October, 2006 - SHCDX33B corrected to display "No Drives Assigned" properly. V3.03A - 26 December, 2005: + Smaller SHCDX33A added, assembles properly with 16-bit NASM. v3.03 - 20 December, 2005: - incorrectly restored UMB state + /I will install even if a redirector is already present + /D by itself will display drive assignments and return number assigned [NOTE: /I and /D changes were NOT added in SHCDX33A. v3.02 - 5 May, 2005: + set drive number in device driver's header (needed by I_Cache) + Int2F/AX=1500 will return AL=FF (needed by XCD in DESQview/X) + SMARTDrive install check will return a release number in BH + /Q+ to only display drive assignments * if loaded high, relocate low (/C will then keep high) - /? wouldn't work if a different version was installed * removed default driver (/D:drives by itself can now install) * modified the installer, binary is now a lot smaller * more NASM macros v3.01 - 5 March, 2005: - Joliet support for non-English users (use ISO if no DOSLFN 0.40a) * removed DR-DOS INSTALL support, use INSTALLLAST (or define DOSMOVES) + ignore unsupported MSCDEX options (/E/K/S/M) + /L enhanced to return drives assigned, drive numbers - 386 check was using near conditional jumps - preserve AH in redirector install check * display error if /C used after install v3.00 - 30 November, 2004: * clean slate. ================================== Jack Ellis, 2 August, 2012. Jason Hood, 20 December, 2005.