Creative Developers' Corner - Developer Registration

Creative Labs' Registered Developer Program is designed to provide developers of commercial software with a selection of key services, including full technical support, access to co-marketing opportunities and advance information on new products. The program is of most interest to developers who specifically design applications that utilize Creative's audio, graphics, video, communication and speech technologies. This program is free to qualifying developers, and operates in three different time zones over three continents, with offices in the USA, Europe, Singapore and Japan.

Creative Labs' various multimedia products enjoy strong sales throughout the world. Our family of software developers has played a key part in this success, and, by taking full advantage of Creative's multimedia products, have brought added impact & excitement to their software titles.

To apply for Registred Developer status please download the appropriate developer application form (Europe and USA forms linked below. Both forms are ZIP format, page protected Microsoft Word documents). After completing the form, please either fax or post them to the appropriate Developer Relations/Support department. Please be advised that completion of our developer application does not ensure acceptance into the Creative Labs Developer Program.

European Developer Application Form
USA Developer Application Form

You may also contact our worldwide Developer Relations/Support for more information.

Creative Zone Developers' Corner ©1995, 1996 Creative Labs, Inc.