Creative Press Releases - In Year 1995

Creative And DataBeam Announce Intended Partnership for Application Sharing and T.120-Based Technology

October 25, 1995 - Creative Technology Ltd. (Nasdaq:CREAF) and DataBeam Corp. today announced their intention to enter into a cross licensing and joint development agreement whereby the companies would produce a toolkit for multipoint application sharing, based on the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) T.120 communications protocols. This announcement was made in conjunction with TeleCon XV in Anaheim, CA.

The application sharing toolkit will allow end-users to share and control Windows- based applications between multiple sites in real-time. Because the new toolkit uses the T.120 communication protocols, multiple users may conference via modem, LAN connections or T.120 compliant conference bridging and network services.

The toolkit also allows application sharing between Windows 95 and Windows 3.1. Until now, application sharing solutions have been point-to point on a single platform, using proprietary communications protocols.

Under the terms of the intended agreement, DataBeam will license Creative's ShareVision application sharing technology and incorporate the technology as a new module in its award-winning Collaborative Computing Toolkit Series (CCTS). DataBeam would broadly license the application sharing module to developers building video conferencing and other collaborative software applications. DataBeam would also include the ShareVision application sharing technology in future product offerings.

Creative would license DataBeams's CCTS to add new standards-based document conferencing capabilities to future versions of its ShareVision desktop video conferencing solution. The T.120-based technology would also be used in additional forthcoming Creative communications products.

"This is a big win for the consumer," said Lee Todd, president and CEO of DataBeam. "Through this relationship, DataBeam and Creative would make available the first application sharing solution based on T.120 protocols. By broadly licensing the technology, we expect to create a large interoperable base of communications."

"This intended agreement with DataBeam confirms our strategy to support standards in our communication solutions," said K.S. Chay, president of Creative Technology Ltd. "As a result of this intended partnership, Creative would offer a range of communications products based on T.120 that would enable customers to share applications with products from other vendors. This has long been our vision, and it's significant that we expect to be first to offer this capability."

DataBeam's Collaborative Computing Toolkit Series is based on the ITU T.120 standard for multi-point data collaboration. The company's toolkits have been licensed to Apple, Microsoft, PictureTel and more than 20 other manufacturers of video conferencing and data sharing products and services.

Creative's award-winning ShareVision products lead the market in cost-effective desktop video conferencing products. ShareVision PC3000 is a revolutionary desktop video conferencing system that transmits voice, video and data over a single analog telephone line (POTS) simultaneously. Included software allows users to share Windows or DOS applications in real time, even if only one user has that application. Users can also annotate files and sketch ideas in free form in the shared whiteboard. ShareVision's whiteboard also provides the unique ability to scan a document into the system, and share it across the phone line for real-time editing and annotation.

DataBeam Corporation, headquartered in Lexington, KY., is the leading supplier of standards-based collaborative software technologies and developers' tools. The company's award-winning Collaborative Computing Toolkit Series provides real- time collaboration capabilities to communications, networking telephony, conferencing and gaming products. DataBeam's related multi-point application software, FarSite, is used by Fortune 500 companies and major organisations worldwide. DataBeam is privately held.

Creative Technology Ltd. develops, manufactures and markets a family of sound, video, software telephony multimedia products for PCs under the Blaster family name, and the ShareVision line of desktop video conferencing products for Macintoshes and PCs. The company's Sound Blaster sound platform enables PCs to produce high-quality audio for entertainment, educational, music and productivity applications, and has been accepted as the industry standard sound platform for PC- based software.

Creative Technology Ltd. was incorporated in 1983 and is based in Singapore. Creative Technology's U.S. subsidiaries include Creative Labs, Inc., E-mu Systems, Inc., Digicom Systems, Inc. and ShareVision Technology, Inc. Creative also has other subsidiaries in Australia, China, Europe, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. The company's stock is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol CREAF and on the Stock Exchange of Singapore.

Sound Blaster is a registered trademark and Blaster is a trademark of Creative Technology Ltd. E-mu is a registered trademark of E-mu Systems, Inc. and ShareVision is a registered trademark of ShareVision Technology, Inc. All other products mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby recognised as such.

Databeam is a registered trademark and Collaborative Computing Toolkit Series is a trademark of DataBeam Corporation.

Creative Zone Press Releases Copyright ©1995, 1996 Creative Labs, Inc.